Thursday 9 December 2010

Christmas in '54

I found this 50's journal from the book seller that I pictured in my previous post (second picture from the bottom). It's falling apart a bit, but I took it (it was the end of the day and all of the stuff was free) with the intention of restoring it and also ripping out all of the joural entries....Yes that's right your not going crazy I said ripping out!! I have since realised that this was one of those spur of the moment ridiculous ideas and have since catapulted it back to the land of all terrible things.

I couldn't work out what this journal was used for, for a long time. The different handwriting and languages totally threw me but after taking the pictures today I suddenly realised it was a guest book of some sort from a b&b or some place similar as most of the posts express thanks for 'their' hospitality. The first entry is from December the 23rd 1954, the last on the 4th of December 1994 and the entries address 'Barbra' and 'Peter.' There's some lovely bits of text in here so enjoy.

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